Day -16: Yes, I could go home now

We'd got 2 stories about the stem cell collection yesterday - one was that I'd probably need only one collection while the other was that almost everyone needed two which means I would still be in W-S today.  So it was with some trepidation that Susan answered her phone yesterday.  But it was good news and we didn't let the door of SECU House hit our butts on the way out, unintentionally leaving 2 delicious meals in the freezer.  Nonetheless, we had an  uneventful drive home (Susan drove which was why it was uneventful) and got back to Asheville for dinner.
We were both ready to crawl into bed after dinner but managed to stay up til about 9.  And, of course, I couldn't sleep - without going into graphic detail, blame my guts.  Still, Susan managed to get up at 5:30 to go to her school for a meeting at 6:30.  Sam and I took things a little more luxuriously and got to school at 8.  I had no intention of teaching, my head still being full of sawdust,  I got the day off to a great start by totally failing to remember the name of 6 year colleague - she very kindly reminded me and it is now engraved in my embarrassed memory.
I ache all over in little bits but I think I am glad to say that two of my more bizarre sensations are gone.  Firstly, my skull ached.  not a headache, a skullache.  No pain in the brain but a dull ache in every bone in my head.  They'd told me my bigger bones would ache and Susan most supportively pointed out that they don't come much thicker than my skull.  The other sensation, which I think I actually quite enjoyed, was the feeling that my scalp was full of Sprite - not pins and needles, just a vigorous bubbly feeling.  Wouldn't mind being able to turn that one to order - I don't think it was the feeling of my scalp starting to spit hairs out.
I've been most generously inundated with some delicious looking and nourishing soup by some colleagues - can't wait to rip into that.  I think this was my last day at school for the year - pretty tired by the time I got home though I do intend to close up some air vents later today in anticipation of a nasty cold snap coming through.  Also going to rake some leaves, more for the exercise than anything else  I have to walk twice a day and I think that will count as the afternoon's serving.  Got my exercise this morning by wandering round the school campus to disturb sundry people and by carting my tool box to the car, loaded with a few goodies I need to finish my Frankenbot downstairs.  I just hope I can remember which way round the transistors go though, if I get it wrong, I have plenty of spares.


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