Where's the teapot?

Insomnia, where is thy stingalingaling?

I can't really say I enjoy sleeping as I'm not there to appreciate it.  However, getting up to go to the bathroom at 2:15 and finding that my feeble brain thinks that's it for the night has a certain lack of charm, too.  So, having set myself a couple of deadlines ("If I'm not asleep by 3 a.m., I'm getting up.")  I've been up since 4:05 and what better or more traditional way of celebrating than with a pot of Typhoo.  Not a bag dunked in a mug but a proper laid out on a tray (no lace doily) pot of char complete with milk bottle, spoon and ramekin to drop the bags in when the time comes.  But somewhere hidden deep in the bowels of our expensive kitchen (thanks, Annie) lurks our big green teapot.  I can picture it in every cupboard - up front and centre in the plate cupboard, lurking with the weird half bottles of cooking tequila above the stove, everywhere.  But can I find it?  Nah.  I spread the search to the dining room with its two hunking bits of furniture that harbour our more arcane food-related possessions but with no joy.  I started to feel like my Dad who, in his later years, would roam through the house turning on lights and banging into things while looking for "it" or "the wossname".  Don't know if he ever found it but I didn't find the bloody teapot so I was reduced to the usual dunk in a mug trip (a pint Popeye the Sailor mug - thanks, Laur).  And some toasted klaben (fruity bread to the uninitiated) plastered with Golliwogless Robertson's thick cut marmalade provided by my lovely Susan at great expense and effort.
I must find something useful to do with all these extra hours - I have the woodwork to finish painting in the downstairs bathroom but that doesn't appeal.  Also something to ship that I sold on ebay for 99 cents.
Today has exercise in store - I am reffing 3 soccer games for 10 - 12 year olds.  Can't keep up with the 18 year olds any more.  I was actually assigned 4 games but I know my limit (two).  Weather forecast says warm and showers which suits me - must take a hat to keep the rain off my glasses.  I hope I don't get yelled at for wearing the wrong coloured hat: I'm supposed to wear black but all Chinese hats (one size fit nobody) don't fit so I need to wear my tan Cornell Rugby hat.  Sodding Chinese crap.
Why have I got an ant crawling across my screen?


  1. And so you leave the reader in suspense.....where was the teapot? or was it a figment of your imagination or heaven forbid a metaphore.....

  2. And what happened to the ant ?

    1. The teapot, as my beloved was only too happy to point out, lives at my eye level in the cupboard in the corner of the kitchen. To be fair to me (someone has to be) the cupboard in question houses stuff like flour, sugar, unrecognisable bits of machinery for grinding stuff and so on. As for the ant, he got bored reading this crap and wandered off. However, Sam did later find several dozen of his mates wandering around on the kitchen window sill looking hungry so we fed them a bunch of Terro. My personal rule is that ants are welcome outside (we only get the innocuous little black ones, not the Texan ones) but setting foot inside brings swift retribution.

  3. Wow that's pretty high up if it's at your eye level but at least you know where it is now ...and you have a handy reference in case you lose it again...have found how to ace calculus...there is no look inside option

  4. Too bad about the look inside option. Still, it really is a great book - it's how I would write a calculus book if they hadn't beaten me to it.

  5. Too bad about the look inside option. Still, it really is a great book - it's how I would write a calculus book if they hadn't beaten me to it.

  6. I'm going to give it a go...the look inside thing wouldn't work anyway because you would need a better understanding of calculus to decide if it was ok...and if you understood it you actually wouldn't need it ...I need coffee


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