A note about vocabulary

A linguistic disclaimer by John Mycroft

Just a gentle reminder that I, John Mycroft, expatriate Brit / Kiwi of this parish,  do use a few words in this blog that some Americans think that Brits think are offensive.  I can guarantee that every word I use would be aired unbleeped on the BBC and / or has been spoken without too much complaint in the British House of Commons or in the New Zealand Parliament building.
So please take my word for it that, while you may not hear these words in the Queen's Christmas Speech, they really shouldn't have you rushing for the smelling salts.
  • Bloody / bleeding
  • Drongo
  • Bugger (this was the punchline in a hilarious set of Toyota truck ads in New Zealand)
  • Sod
  • Pee
  • Crap
  • Arse
I think that's about it though, as the election draws nearer I may turn the heat up a bit.  I promise no F-bombs or worse (unless Ted Cruz cancels Medicare).


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