Sitting around feeling sorry for myself

Well, I suppose sitting and staring at the wall is one option but those folks at CCWNC have got that one sorted out.  After a couple of "interesting" nights' sleep (long time since I've stayed up until 1:30 a.m. purely because I wasn't tired), I rolled into Friday wondering what the weekend had in store. Now I know.
Sam is playing Claudio in "Much Ado About Nothing" and we'd seen it on Thursday so Friday was date night for Susan and me - early dinner at Copper River Grill (washed down by what I hope is my first and last O'Doulls beer) followed by The Lady in the Van at the Carolina Cinemas.  Delightful movie and, despite our watching it in the sofa cinema, I don't think I even yawned, let alone go to sleep.  By the time we'd driven over to the school to pick up Sam at 9:45 I was drooping though and I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow when we got home.
Woke up at a decent hour on Saturday (halleluiah!) and trotted off to ref two under-11 soccer games.  I can't believe how easily I am running around these days - this ain't right.  Still a bit braindead out there, though - I have to run the mental action reply to see whose throw-in it was - but otherwise fine.  Home for lunch, back to the field for a 2 pm game only to realise I'd unloaded my pockets so had no whistle, cards (don't really need those for 10 year olds) or scorecard.  Scrounged a whistle and then nearly lent it another ref who'd forgotten his, too.  Durr.
Saturday night we went to closing night of the play - despite parental bias, it was brilliant and our Sam doubly so.  What a great kid.  He and the rest of the cast buggered off at the end to Waynesville for the after show party.  He texted Susan at 3:55 say they'd arrived safely which was nice to know given that it's 45 mins from school.
3:55 text notwithstanding, I had another good night's kip though getting up at 6:15 in the dark on a Sunday because I feel like it is probably a habit I can get out of any time I like.  Cooked an eggy toasty breakfast and read the paper before wandering off to UNCA to watch a robotics contest.  Unbelievable amount of gear, noise and enthusiasm all round - made some useful contacts, too.  Then home to catch up on all kinds of tiny bits of school work - curriculum plans for next year (can you believe the principal wants someone else to teach the programming courses?), build a website for my freshly restarted self-publishing business ( and some odds & sods.
There is also now a fresh spring to-do list of a mere 16 items, all of the "fix towel rail" kind rather than "refit kitchen".  It's raining so I can't do the first three - this is not good, or maybe it is.


  1. Actually none of the above sounds like you are feeling sorry for are a 100% more active than my lazy self and you are getting stuff should be rightly proud of yourself ...keep trekkin


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