My results graph

You can take the blood out of the mathematician...

but you can't take the mathematician out of the blood.

In case you're interested in my test results (oh, yummee!!) here's a graph of the 4 main ones created with the Desmos free graphing program (free advert for free software)
The 4 graphs show the things I have most out of whack - haemoglobin, white blood cells, red blood cells and hematocrit (no idea what that is)

For each statistic, I have drawn in the upper and lower acceptable levels as dotted lines.  In general, I  want to see the plot lines go up into the space between the dotted lines.  So I'm heading there at a decent rate but a way to go for most of them.  Gotta love those folks at CCWNC!


White Cells

Red Cells



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