Day -8: Feeling good

It was pleasantly not very cold yesterday so I deserted my regime of stomping round Lowes for exercise and instead, took to parking at the far end of the parking lot everywhere I went (not that you get much choice at the mall at this time of year.)  It gives you a good short burst of exercise (that parking lot at Ingles Supermarket in Hendersonville Road is larger than many towns) and makes it easy to find your car when you've done whatever it was you came to do.  I can usually find my car anyway - I just look for what seems to be a gap between two honking great trucks and there she is.
Yesterday's main excitement was having the dressing changed on my catheter.  This is more complicated than I thought.  First the old dressing gets peeled off - someone had generously shaved part of my chest last week so that was easy.  Then the accumulated gunk gets cleaned off with rubbing alcohol (yes, it stings).  Then the pipes get flashed with saline solution.  The blanking caps on the ends of the pipes are meant to be replaced, too, but the ones they use in Wake Forest are different from the ones they use in Asheville (shades of Apollo 13), so we skipped that step.  But I am once again in pristine condition - even better, the discomfort (aka searing pain) of lying on my right side has gone, for which I suspect Susan is hugely grateful as I always snore if I lie on my left side.
Today holds little in store beyond some last minute Christmas shopping.  I'll go to the mall with Sam And then to the supermarket to buy the makings for tacos for dinner.  Today is Susan's last day at school for the year so I'd better make sure there is something potable in the fridge, too.


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