Oi! I'm retired, innit?

Dear World - I am retired. That means I stay in bed till 10 having had breakfast served there by Susan before she goes to work. I then get up and go to IHOP for a real breakfast. Then it's off to the bowls club for a game and a couple of pints and a steak sandwich. Nap time until getting up around 2 to watch Casablanca again. Another nap until Susan comes home to cook my dinner, followed by Casablanca again because I can't remember what happened.
It doesn't mean getting up at 7:30 to enjoy fighting over the newspaper with Susan followed by a handful of pills with weird side effects. It also doesn't include getting ready to watch Casablanca only to have the drywall guy who was coming late next week phone to ask me if it was OK if he came this afternoon instead.
No problem - I didn't have a pile of my tools in the room he wanted to put the drywall in. Oh, hang on - yes I did. There should be no need for me to finish a load of framing around what used to be airvents but which are going to become glass blocks. Or to shift piles of crap in the rumpus room so we could get the drywall in. (Excuse me while I go and turn the dinner over in the oven - I wonder what the difference is between "Roast" and "Bake" because our new oven distinguishes between the two. The dinner is getting an hour on each.)
Phew - finally all sorted out. And the phone rings. It's Stewart from Phoenix Software wanting me to remember dates and version numbers for Key/Master dating back into the 1980s. Once again, no problem except that all the crap that was in the way of the drywall guys is stacked in front of the cupboard where I keep the Key/Master manuals. So now, at quarter to five, my bum finally hits an armchair. Except the timer telling me it is time to stir the dinner is going off.
Think I'll get a job - it's easier.


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