Nearly back to school time

Susan & I spent the day pottering around variously waiting for the eclipse.  Everyone has made such a ginormous hoohah over it that we decided to watch from home and a good time was had by both, even getting a bit of exercise lugging comfy chairs out to the front stoup to watch the world go dark.  Yesterday I plucked up the courage to ref 3 games in the local tournament - I wasn't sure how running up and down in typical Asheville heat was going to agree with me but I cunningly managed to take to the sideline on the shady side of the field for the first 2 games.  The third (and final) game I paid for my sins by taking the centre spot in direct sun but survived anyway.  Alas, I did make one ghastly mistake which gave a team a goal that they shouldn't have been awarded.  Even worse, their coach was nice about it which made me feel really bad.  To be fair to me, the team that got the unfair goal deserved to win anyway (it was a draw).  I think I will sleep at night nonetheless.
Had a nice phone call a few mins ago to let me know that I should finish my current round of 25 mg Revlimid capsules, then take a week off (Woo hoo!) and then go on to 10 mg capsules.  I don't seem to have been as badly affected by them as previously - only a couple of things have tasted a bit weird and that may well be down to eating them at the wrong time - eating cherries right after drinking coffee has "bad decision" written all over it.
Sam is now safely installed at High Point Uni and took off on a Uni bus chasing the eclipse.  For some odd reason this involved getting up before 6 a.m. for an event that started  at about 1 pm and got exciting at about 2:30.
Whiling away the time waiting for the eclipse I picked up my guitar for the first time in a couple of weeks.  Last time I did I found that I couldn't remember any music and kept playing even more bum notes than usual.  Today my memory was a bit better and my fingers did what they were meant to do.  It's time to buy new strings, though.
It was an optional work day at school today so I wandered it just before 10 to find that there were about 6 cars in the parking lot and most rooms were in darkness.  I shifted some furniture around in my room and cursed the large cork board that got taken down to make way for the Smartboard I don't particularly want and that is now making the room look more of a mess than usual.  It does strike me as strange that the school can charge $20,000 a year per pupil, can afford to put a new floor in the basketball court but the tables in my room are an odd assortment of furniture that should have been retired years ago.  Not that it matters - it does mean we can drill holes in it or burn it with soldering irons without fear of retribution.  School proper starts the day after tomorrow.  I wonder what surprises this year will bring.


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