Nearly back to nearly normal?
Nearly normal weekend.
On Saturday I ran the sideline on two under-12 soccer games. Fortunately there weren’t any truly grotesque
calls to make – one goal (or non-goal) when a goalie stopped the ball on the
line and then rolled over and one melee from which the ball rolled over the touchline. Always impossible to know who the ball touched last. Anyway, I wasn't beaten up by the parents as I left the field so I assume I made more or less the right calls.
I did rather balls up Susan's birthday dinner on Friday - she'd asked me to get a pre-done shrimp cocktail platter and some asparagus from Ingles while I was there picking up her cake. As part of my "improve my memory" regime, I was determined not to write a shopping list. Needless to say, I picked up the cake.
On the negative side, I am starting to ache all over - shins, hips and between the shoulder blades mostly. I tend to wake up early and have difficulty getting comfortable. I haven't reached the point of needing painkillers yet, though.
Today is the first day of Sam's spring break and I'm looking forward to his company although I'm none too sure how we will fill in the time. As a special treat he has to go to the dentist for 2 fillings at 2 o'clock today and then has an appointment on Thursday with the guy who is going to yank his wisdom teeth out. Doesn't sound much like a spring break to me. After spring break I will be seeing the school principal about the STEM classes that will be run (or not) in the upper school next year, depending on how many students enroll in them. Something tells me the writing is on the wall either for the STEM classes or for me or both but we'll see. It would be a shame to see all that Vex gear sitting and rotting after the effort and expense of getting it.
But being more positive, it is a lovely sunny day today, heading for 71 degrees so a mooch somewhere is called for. Nothing too energetic, thanks.
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