Never felt better (politics excepted)

Now that I have washed most of the chemo out of my system, I'm feeling great.  Not looking all that good, having had the misfortune to lose most but not all of my hair and all my beard with the exception of the moustache (and even that is slowly falling out).
The picture on the right is from my application for the vacant job as national security advisor.
  I've got into the habit of walking every day and am managing a mile and a bit without any distress though my legs stiffen up as the day goes on.  It'll be  a while before I'm reffing again (please spare me a constant stream of under-8 games) but I have been asked to mentor some of the younger refs.  I mentioned to a ref team on Sunday that they had failed to weight one of the goals as required and they duly ignored me so that worked well.
Sleep without endless trots to the bathroom has finally returned and I am catching up with various jobs around the house that I am allowed to do.  (Nothing involving dust, mould or the garden).  Had another blind cord break last week and it took only 20 minutes to fix that.  However, we bought 7 blinds at the same time, each with 2 cords in them and I have thus far replaced 3 cords so I can see this becoming a regular habit.  Next one that goes, I will replace both cords.
Yesterday I failed to swap the light dimmer in our bedroom with the one in the dining room as they are wired a bit differently internally.  So I must send poor Susan to Lowe's to get the right type for our bedroom (most easily described as "the cheaper of the two options").
Also finally got round to removing the blob of paint I had dripped on our lovely bamboo flooring in our bedroom a couple of years ago.  Armed with a bag of tools and enough chemicals to pollute the Atlantic I set about the task.  First step was to give the blob a contemptuous flick with my thumbnail.  Which successfully removed it completely.


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