Feeling Good

I really must stop using song titles for my posts but this one's appropriate.  "Get exercise," they said and so, being the kind of person who listens to doctors even if I don't always follow their instructions, I have been walking every day, either in the open (for preference) or on the treadmill.  I made the mistake yesterday of using the treadmill barefoot which presented me with two bloody great blisters.  So today I thought I would do some energetic odd jobs around the house and skip the walk.  On with the gloves and mask, cart the shop-vac up from the basement and get rid of the dead leaves and other crud from the garage.  Followed by much hand-washing.
On with new gloves and time to clean the bathrooms.  Much trotting up and down stairs for squirty bottles and bits of rag.  Off with the gloves, wash the hands and time for lunch, after I've put the shop-vac back in the basement.
So, instead of 15 minutes on the treadmill or walking round JBL, I've spent 3 hours chasing round the house like a whirling dervish.  Time for a walk.  Our road is about a 1 in 6 slope  uphill for 100 metres from our house and then 400 metres down to the main road.  Then a gentle 400 metres uphill to the end of Chris's drive and up his drive to our back door, only stopping every 50 metres or so to admire an interesting toadstool and to pant just a little bit.  My legs now feel like I have run a marathon - tomorrow I will find somewhere dead flat to walk - not easy in Asheville but maybe somewhere in the River Arts District, unfortunately avoiding the pubs, breweries and food trucks.  Life's a real sod sometimes.


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