Backish to normalish

Insomnia's quite nice in small doses

As cycle 2 of my chemo winds down, it's nice to look back on some of the fun and not so fun bits.  A decent part of my medication consisted of steroids - 10 little pills a day for 4 days on and 4 days off.  Not surprisingly, they didn't exactly encourage sane sleep patterns and I found myself either staying up until 1:30 a.m. or getting up long before dawn, typically 3 a.m.  For the first few days it was actually very pleasant - I was wide awake, not feeling dopey or hung over and really ready to get stuck into stuff.
I finished my school report writing a week ahead of schedule (unheard of!), created whole new load of school projects, evaluated robotic equipment for next year and wrote a handful of useful programs for converting companies' website into books (a flaky lump of code I wouldn't have the nerve to let anyone else use).  Eventually, however, I did start to feel hung over as a result of the lack of sleep and I am delighted to say that cycle 3 has the steroids only once a week.  My sleep pattern is back to normal except for repeated nocturnal bathroom visits.
Meanwhile, keeping up the exercise has been no problem.  Besides reffing soccer games (this morning's teams didn't turn up - do I still get the exercise benefits?), Sam and I have started doing something about the muddy slope with lumps of bricks in that joins the patio to the lawn.  I'd half-heartedly eyed up some pavers at $1.46 each at Lowes with a view to buying 100 of them to build a proper staircase, someday, maybe.  Then Lowes put them on special for this weekend only for 88 cents a pop.  OK - gotta do it.  Bought 80 after figuring out we needed only 72.  As I really didn't want to lumber my poor old Subaru with that lot, I rented a pickup from Uhaul ($19.95 a day * - the asterisk cost another $26) and loaded it up with the pavers, 16' lengths of treated timber and all manner of other crud I thought might come in handy.  I still have some other "come in handy" stuff left from an earlier project that I will be using.  Must take some
Almost before

before and afters but right now I am taking a non-alcoholic beer.
You may, just possibly, be wondering what happened to the ads on this blog which were there for only a day or two.  I turned that blogspot feature on to see how much $$$ would come rolling in as promised in their ads for ads.  But when I saw what wondrous products were being advertised - pharmaceuticals and sports gear mostly - I felt I didn't want to associate my good name with any of them so I took the ads off again.  So you're stuck with me.  Aim tonight is to stay up past 9 pm and sleep til at least 5 tomorrow - I love early Sunday mornings with the paper and gallons of coffee.


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