The troglodyte emerges
Blimey - a whole month since my last post. Disgusting. So, what's been happening? On the health front, remarkably little. Trump & Co are still trying to kill me off which will be a bit easier now that John McCain has died. Although my myeloma is now in remission, the folks at Cancer Care of WNC have kept me on 15mg of Revlimid a day. I'm going up there tomorrow to have an armful taken - maybe they'll drop the dose if the results come back looking good. Not that the Revlimid has desperately horrible side effects - considering I am taking meds for high blood pressure and old guy's prostate, it's hard to attribute any side effect to a particular med. If you read the warnings online, it looks like everything causes tiredness, aches and pains, diarrhea, constipation and all the other things that make dating fun. It's been horribly hot and humid here this summer, interspersed with bucketing rain. So much of my fitness regimen has been...