Busy doing nothing

My wheels at Leigh (thanks, George)
It's been an absolute social whirl this week mixed in with a couple of idle days.  On Thursday the weather turned very windy so it was time to venture northwards to Leigh and Goat Island to check out the snorkeling but with no intention of getting in the water.  They were quite surprised to see me at the snorkel shop and were very quick to point out that I'd be wasting my money going snorkeling as visibility was pretty grim.  I explained I was only checking them out  anyway so that was no problem.  I'd abandoned the GPS many miles before getting to Goat Island as it kept giving me bizarre instructions, some of which I followed, some of which I knew instinctively were crap.  Later examination of the GPS revealed that I had selected the wrong town and it was trying to take me to the South Island.  Still, I did see some parts of rural New Zealand I'd never seen before.  I have still yet to see a sheep, though.

On Friday night I caught up with old friends Graham & Bev & we went out to demolish a most splendid curry at Tiffin in Kingsland.  Not wishing to drive back to Orewa in the dark, I stayed the night and then took forever finding my way home on Saturday via Avondale and Piha as well as the greenstone factory shop in Kingsland (shopping tip - if you are in New Zealand, this is definitely the place to start looking if you want to buy some greenstone). Not only did they not object to my photographing their displays but they even offered to take the lid off so I wouldn't get the reflection of the lights.
Home in NC
Meanwhile I hear that North Carolina has had a spot of Christmas weather.  All round I think I'll settle for a spot of sunburn, thank you.

Beach at Goat Island

Pohutukawa at Goat Island


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