Can I get fit now, please?

I thought yesterday was going to be a nice gentle trot around the JBL soccer fields in pursuit of a couple of under-12 soccer games.  Lesson 1 was "Check the weather forecast".  I'd looked at the temperature - 50 degrees going up to 66 later in the day - and dressed accordingly.  I should have looked at the note that said "Howling gales from the north."  Thanks, Canada.  Fortunately, I had sweaters and jackets in abundance so, while not working on the games, I was able to bundle up.
Alas, on the second game there was one young lady who thought that playing back meant standing on the 18 yard line for the entire half.  So I stood and watched her do just that, occasionally needing to break into a casual stroll to keep level with her when she went back to chat with the goalie.  Sam got to freeze while watching her in the second half.
All round it was a fun couple of games, though.  Definitely nowhere up to my admittedly low level of fitness last season but at least I can sprint as fast as a 12 year old.  I am spending Sunday letting my aching legs recover - I feel a right wimp.  Also did some "gardening" earlier in the day.  As I am forbidden to touch dirt, it consisted of walking round the garden with my hands in my pockets thinking what I would like to do.  One thing I must do next week is get together with Chris to take down our beloved catawbas which have grown up into his power lines.  They will inevitably grow back twice as tall.
And now it's barbecue time, a small Boston butt which will roast slowly for the next three hours or so.
Final news for the weekend is that I was finally moved to say "Sod it" and re-establish my presence on Facebook.  I had removed myself a couple of years ago after my boss spat the dummy because I said that any woman who voted republican was sodding stupid.  As events have proven me right, I see no point on cutting myself off from people I have known for 50 years.  So I am there with my own picture and biography under my own name.  I guess this is how coming out of the closet must feel.


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