Got a cold

Well, this takes skill.  After spending the last 5 months at school wiping every surface with a disinfectant wipe and avoiding touching handrails ( a fun thing to do on the stairs when your knees don't both seem to be facing forward), I now find myself in the clean surroundings of my own home with a cold.  And it's 80+ degrees outside in the old money.  Result is that I've been awake since 3 and up since 4 (new rule, new rule - if I wake up in the middle of the night and don't get back to sleep within an hour, I get up.  The last 10 minutes of the hour can be a bit nerve-racking - is it better to try to get back to sleep (how do you do that?) or to try to stay awake?
So here I sit at 5:25, having drunk a pot of tea, read the paper, checked ebay and the weather forecast everywhere I can think of (our promised damaging thunderstorms have disappeared completely from the forecast).  Other than an appointment at the audiologist at 8:30, I have nothing planned for the day and, as far as I am aware, nothing urgent I need to do.  There was a huge pile of discarded textbooks at school - if they're still there I will bring them home and list them on ebay in the vain hope of raising some $$$ to buy bits for my robotics class.  Not that I really need to raise cash that way, working at a private school and all, but it'll help me appreciate the crap that public school teachers have to put up with.  I haven't got a clue if anyone is interested in any of the books - I've done OK with AP biology books thus far but the others I have listed are going nowhere fast.  What the heck do I do with them if they don't sell?  It seems a bit obscene to recycle books that cost $100+ each five years ago.
I'll probably do a bit more of the online courses I'm taking later today though the combination of my cold and the lecturers' thick eastern European accents will not be conducive to learning.
Time for more tea....


  1. Is there a community PIF page that covers your area? Post them in there - someone will be grateful.


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