The less than gory details

The less than gory details

In case you're interested, here's my symptoms and so, for those hypochondriacs out there, check yours out...
  • Losing weight - lots of people would be delighted to lose 5 kg without even trying but I did it by not being hungry.  Even had a turkey at Christmas and didn't eat the second drumstick til Boxing Day.  My appetite comes and goes but I've been told I have to eat, so some meals are more enjoyable than others.  Not choking it down or anything.
  • Crapping a lot - this could be coincidental but I'm sure I'm crapping more than I eat.
  • Shakiness - can't type first thing in the morning (nothing all that new there), legs feel wobbly and I find playing the intro to "Whipping Post" a nightmare because my little finger has a better idea of how it's played.
  • Fatigue - this one is the doozy - I can go flat out at something for about 3 hours and then simply shut down.  It's an effort to go back upstairs from the games room.
  • Heartrate like a Tour de France cyclist - 50 beats a minute.  OK for Lance Armstrong, not for me.
  • Brain goes on strike - a Kenken puzzle that normally takes me 10 minutes now can take half an hour.  Having said that, I finished this month's Oldie crossword and went back and nearly finished December's too (how the hell am I supposed to be able to quote from "Emma"?)


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