Alcohol free IPA where art thou?

8 ounces a day?

I've been told I can have up to 8 ounces of beer a day but, at the same time, I have to consume 2.5 litres of liquid.  Now that doesn't compute in more ways than I dare count.  So, given that the average beer around here has 7% alcohol and "alcohol-free" beers run at about 0.5% alcohol, I should be able to get away with (7 / 0.5) x 8 ounces = 112 ounces which is 3.3 litres in proper money, give or take.  Or about 9 bottles which is more than I ever drink, even on New Years Eve, Halloween, World Cup Final Day, First Friday in the Week etc.
But where to get one that is fit to drink for the taste alone?  It took only a brief web search until I found which rates a load of alcohol-free beers, many of which I have seen on local shelves and one of which, Buckler, I have actually tried.  It tasted OK - not of chemical waste like Budweiser but not of hops either so my hunt continues.
I'll beat this bastard yet!

Later update - it's now 5 weeks since I had a real beer and I can't say I miss it.  I feel better than I did 5 weeks ago, too, but so much has changed in my way of life in that time that I can't attribute feeling better to the lack of beer.  I still haven't had an O'Doulls, either - I would like Susan give one of those unannounced as I will be naturally prejudiced against anything made by Budwater.


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