
Showing posts from January, 2016

Alcohol free IPA where art thou?

8 ounces a day? I've been told I can have up to 8 ounces of beer a day but, at the same time, I have to consume 2.5 litres of liquid.  Now that doesn't compute in more ways than I dare count.  So, given that the average beer around here has 7% alcohol and "alcohol-free" beers run at about 0.5% alcohol, I should be able to get away with (7 / 0.5) x 8 ounces = 112 ounces which is 3.3 litres in proper money, give or take.  Or about 9 bottles which is more than I ever drink, even on New Years Eve, Halloween, World Cup Final Day, First Friday in the Week etc. But where to get one that is fit to drink for the taste alone?  It took only a brief web search until I found which rates a load of alcohol-free beers, many of which I have seen on local shelves and one of which, Buckler, I have actually tried.  It tasted OK - not of chemical waste like Budweiser but not of hops either so my hunt continues. I'll beat this ba...

The less than gory details

The less than gory details In case you're interested, here's my symptoms and so, for those hypochondriacs out there, check yours out... Losing weight - lots of people would be delighted to lose 5 kg without even trying but I did it by not being hungry.  Even had a turkey at Christmas and didn't eat the second drumstick til Boxing Day.  My appetite comes and goes but I've been told I have to eat, so some meals are more enjoyable than others.  Not choking it down or anything. Crapping a lot - this could be coincidental but I'm sure I'm crapping more than I eat. Shakiness - can't type first thing in the morning (nothing all that new there), legs feel wobbly and I find playing the intro to "Whipping Post" a nightmare because my little finger has a better idea of how it's played. Fatigue - this one is the doozy - I can go flat out at something for about 3 hours and then simply shut down.  It's an effort to go back upstairs from the games ...

Appointments by the million...

Appointments by the million I've got to see lots of people who are going to take care of me over the next, I hope, 20 years.  So it's time to be seen by them.  The first wise decision I made (other than letting Susan have her way about calling 911) had been to sign up for Medicare part D a few days before all this lot started. The first wise decision I made after coming home was to have Susan come to my appointments with me. First I went to see my family doc who wasn't at all put out that I had pipped him at the post in getting this diagnosis - he had left a voice mail on the phone at home to say "make an appointment for an abdominal scan ASAP" so he was on the ball. Next, Susan & I rolled up at the dauntingly named "Cancer Care of WNC" to meet the other doc I'd seen in hospital (I don't know if it's acceptable to call him by name so I'll refer to him as "Mike" which I don't do to his face because he is called Dave)...

Where do I begin?

Some sick humour or humorous sickness  John Mycroft's blog about Multiple Myeloma A note to my reader(s) Welcome to my blog in which I intend to document my path through treatment for multiple myeloma and back to full recovery, or at least remission.   I intend to “tell it like it is” so if you’re easily offended, please stop reading now and go and do something else.   If I make a wry comment, I will not add “only joking” after it.   Figure it out for yourself.  It is possible (likely) that I will make pointed remarks about politicians, community leaders, clergy, doctors, insurance companies and the idiot who always takes the last parking space.  I claim my first amendment rights.  I will also use what some may consider crude or common language - again, if you find it offensive, go watch Sesame Street. Where do I begin? Dunno, quite honestly.   It’s not like a sore throat where you wake up one morning and say, inaudib...