Working the polls

If you read my previous post, you will know that I was whining about not being able to ref soccer this autumn.  It's a nice activity, giving you the opportunity to boss kids about, run around a bit and make a few bob.  Well the powers that be relented and let us lot who didn't cough up our 2017 exam fees to ref games for the under 8s and under 10s.  They don't pay much and, as often as not, the kids ignore what you're telling them but it beats doing nothing on Saturday mornings.  I had my first couple of games last weekend.  It was team photo day which meant that kick-off times were nothing more than a vague suggestion.    A minor accident on I-40 (not involving me) made sure that everyone was late getting there anyway.
Always one who's happy to do his civic duty (especially if I get paid, albeit not much), I have spent a chunk of this month working as a polling officer.  For the precinct I work in, it has hardly been arduous as it's in a new location at 30 Valley St, Asheville.  No, I didn't know where it is, either - it's behind the Hilton, across the road from the jail in the Permits & Inspections building.  As nobody much knows where Valley St is, everyone has continued to go to the overworked stations at North and South Asheville libraries.  A lot of older computerless voters also go to their own polling station half a mile away and then get pissed off when they're told to come to Valley St.  We can use our laptops to see how long their queues are as we gaze longingly at our vacant doorstep.
It's been both educational and interesting on many fronts, though.  There's probably not much I can divulge for fear of being accused of election tampering.  I've been surprised how few young people (18 - 25) have voted.  As we're downtown and most people who work downtown are older than that, maybe it's not surprising.  Not many people in that age range live downtown, either, real estate not exactly being at giveaway prices.
The Democrat canvassers outside have braved the elements which have served up everything from very toasty sunshine to cold incessant drizzle.  There haven't been any Republican canvassers which is a pity as I do have a few questions I wanted to ask before I voted.  Too late now - I've voted and, to make sure I am a knowledgeable poll worker, I used the Automark machine which is intended for people who have difficulty filling in blobs on a ballot.  The Automark is actually faster than doing it with a pen so there's a tip for you if you're in  a hurry.  And I checked my ballot thoroughly to make sure it had registered my votes (multiple jobs being voted on) as I had cast them - no Russian interference there.
It's left me feeling a bit tired as I still get up at my usual time, potter round the house and garden for 5 hours (raking leaves, building drains etc) before putting in 5 1/2 hours at the polls.  So I'm glad to get the weekend off even if it would probably be the most sensible time for the polls to be open.
My only medical appointments in the near future are having another armful of blood taken next week and a dose of the dread Zometa in December.  Other than that, the nice people at Celgene have put the price of Revlimid up again (about $13,000 a month - thanks for picking up the bulk of that Medicare) and [politically biased comment removed].
Friends from NZ are arriving in an hour or so and I think the house is ready for them (ie we have beer).


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