Braving the guitar

Over the last few months I have looked longingly at my guitar (a La Patrie Concert CW) and at my shaky hands and thought "Maybe tomorrow," or strummed it a bit. Today I plucked it from its case determined to give it a bit of serious exercise.
First I learned that tremelo is not an option - it's amazing how many incorrect combinations of 3 fingers your right hand can produce when all it has to do is pick 3-2-1 repeatedly.  Then on to some old favourites and not so favourites.  One advantage of not playing something for a while is that you forget that there are certain bits you can't play and, before you've realised it, you've reached such a bit and played it with no problem so you go back and play it again and again and grin like an idiot.  One such was the opening of Carnival - could never get from the harmonics to the chords convincingly and today it just happened without thinking about it.  Fortunately there was nobody within earshot to hear me play it 15 times before I went on to the rest of the tune.
On the other hand I can't remember who wrote No 1 Muzurka-Choro but whoever it was, I owe him or her an apology.  (Villa-Lobos - I googled it rather than walking to the dining room to find out from the sheet music).  I'll swear I've never played it in my life as it didn't sound even remotely familiar.  And having just watched a youtube of it, I wish to point out that the last 15 seconds do not exist - I don't think my copy has that.  Just might have to take my old Yairi guitar to school tomorrow to see if I have better luck there - all my lessons are planned up to November and all those plans will probably change way before then so I need something to fill in the spare hours.
Had an email from a guy in my old defunct band today saying that another band up near the Veterans' Hospital (about  4 miles from here) needs a bass player so I should give them a call.  Could be fun if they're not totally country.  Sounds like they have all the gear at the rehearsal hall, too - my mini-amp is certainly more mini than the piano-sized cabinets I had in the 60s but 15" speakers still aren't all that light to lug around.


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