Continuing to fall apart
I mentioned my dud leg at my chemo session on Tuesday and the world went into Grey's Anatomy mode (which doesn't mean I hopped into a storage cupboard to have it off with a pretty nurse). Instead, they sent me across the road to the ultrasound place where a pretty young lady ran an electronic thingy all over my legs while I thought of Donald Trump speeches, John Arlott commentaries and kangaroo courts with my boss to avoid embarrassing myself. The ultrasounds showed no blood clots (which is what everyone was looking for) so that was a relief. A week down the track and both legs still hurt despite my being as lazy as possible and slapping ice on. I reffed a couple of soccer games yesterday in the hope of loosening something up and was rewarded with a nasty ripping feeling in my right buttock. I've taken some pictures showing my chemo pipes for anyone who's interested but Microsoft in their infinite wisdom have decided not to support SD card readers in Windows 10 ...