
Showing posts from November, 2018

End of early voting - now for the real deal

I've spent the last week and a half working in a polling station here in Asheville on the 2018 mid-term election.  It has been tiring, involving mostly a lot of sitting around doing next to nothing with odd burst of activity.  The last couple of days changed all that with people leaving it until the last minute to vote.  Indeed, in a number of cases, they left it until after the last minute as early voting at 1 p.m. today.  It would be inappropriate for me to comment much on what we saw - we don't get to sift and analyse the voting papers but we do know the part affiliations of the voters (most people are "unaffiliated") and several people made it clear who they were voting for (or against). We shut up shop at 1 pm and dismantled our polling station to a well worked out list of what goes where - all the computers, cables, unused stationery etc have to go back to head office.  It took close to 2 hours to sort the last few votes by precinct and pack everything up...