
Showing posts from June, 2018

Back in the old routine

After a bit of nutty couple of months, life is threatening to return to normal.  Not that I'll be sitting on  the deck drinking beer and eating cheese & pickle sandwiches but at least I should have a clue what I am doing from day to day.  My medicine taking has become so routine that I sometimes forget to do it - must watch that.  Today was the last day of a Revlimid cycle so I should feel a bit more chipper as the week goes on, not that I walk around in a fug while I am taking the stuff.  Tomorrow I get to see the nice ladies at Cancer Care here in Asheville - they'll take an armful of blood and send the results to Wake Forest for my oncologist there to look at.  I then go to see him next week to hear how I'm doing  Apparently he has 24 appointments that day. Rather him than me. I'm keeping busy at home turning the big storeroom under our bedroom into a monster laundry.  This means that all the old boxes, Lego sets, roller coasters, CD cases...

Busy busy busy

Blimey - is it that long since I last posted here?  Shame on me.  So, what's new?  As the page title is meant to imply, I have been busy busy busy, far more so than I ever was when I was gainfully employed.  So, in no particular order, here's what I have been up to with varying degrees of pleasure (but all on the plus side). Tutoring About this time of year, many kids / parents realise that a decent math grade will be a good idea to take to college or next year at high school and so tutoring work ramps up.  I've been lucky this year with two bright new students whose Bs I am helping them turn into As.  It's good to know the old brain cells can kick into action when required (oddly enough, I have discovered that I can't remember the names of people I have met over the last couple of years but can still solve differential equations - at least first order ones - in my head.  Weird.)   Me and my big mouth If you've been to our house, you'll kn...