Not sure I do hot
Bloody hell it was hot this weekend. On Thursday and Friday I had a coupe of hefty doses of chemo along with some steroids with the inevitable result of a dud night's sleep on Thursday and not much better on Friday. Then on Saturday we were off to High Point to check in with Sam at the Uni. He's strutting around the place like a senior, knowing all the shortcuts between buildings and saying "See you in Slane" as if we have a clue what he's talking about. Susan to the rescue (again). She drove all the way there on Friday and all the way back on Saturday. Not that it's overly far - about two and a half hours - but it's a pretty boring drive for the most part. The temperature reached 99 degrees on the way home so we were grateful for aircon in the car. I don't know if it was the chemical brew or the heat and humidity but something left me feeling pretty washed out by Saturday night. It's now Sunday and I've got a new pastime to keep me bu...