Getting serious at Wake Forest
Last Wednesday Susan and I took a trip to Wake Forest Baptist Hospital to check in with their cancer experts. It was more or less good news all round though I was glad Susan took the time off work to drive me there - I was nearly asleep on the way back. It's also absolutely essential to have her around as her ability to remember detail is far better than mine. So if any of the following makes no sense, it's my fault, not the hospital's. The next step in my treatment is to have another month-long cycle of chemotherapy (or two), followed by a stem cell transplant. If you've been paying attention you'll know that I don't need a donor but thank you to the people who have offered to be donors. They take my own blood, remove a bunch of stem cells - they'd like 10 million but must have at least 2 million - and then put the blood back into me. I get to stay in hospital for about a week to keep me away from sick people (odd logic) and so that I'm cl...