So now what?
End of Part 1 Today was Memorial Day, just one of many days in the US when you can buy cheap furniture and other stuff. We usually go to an outdoor concert of patriotic and other music but we decided to stay home today as I go to cancer care tomorrow to provide a load of samples. Among those will be a 24 hour urine collection and I really didn't fancy wandering around Pack Place with a bright orange gallon urine sample bottle. I haven't quite filled it, not that this was part of the challenge. Tomorrow will be 3 months, give or take a day or two, since I found out I have multiple myeloma and the folks at Cancer Care will take an armful of blood to go with the urine to find out how I'm doing. I'm not sure what all the options are after that - either another 3 months the same as the last 3 (which wasn't too bad except for the month with the hefty doses of steroids which had me alternately hyperactive and zomboid), or the good news that I'm all better now (w...